Bike Help

Listing Criteria

We can't possibly list every bike ever made so we narrow our focus to a more manageable set. Here are our criteria for being listed:


To be listed, a bike brand must:

  1. have an English language website that provides information about their bike models,
  2. offer their bikes for sale in the US, either direct to consumer or through retailers, dealers, and/or distributors.

We are focused on bike consumers in the United States. Those outside the United States may find the information useful, but our target is specifically US consumers.


We focus on e-bikes. For a specific bike to be listed, the brand must qualify (see above) and the model must:

  1. be a pedal-assist e-bike (throttle too? no problem),
  2. have sufficient information about the model to make the listing useful (a model name and a picture are not sufficient),
  3. be currently available for sale. We don't add discontinued and unavailable models,
  4. (temporarily) be a standard two-wheel bicycle; sorry, at the moment we don't list trikes, tandems, recumbent or other "specialty" bikes, but we want to.
Getting Listed

We are always looking for additional e-bike brands and models to add to this site. To suggest a brand or model, just email Bob with the information, including the website if available. We will acknowledge receipt of your email and let you know when the listing is added.


We want our site to be as complete and correct as possible. If you notice anything that is wrong or needs attention, please email Bob with the information. Thanks!