Battery 1 Voltage


NameTypeUnitsDepends OnCategorySubcategory
Battery 1 VoltageValuevolt (V)noneElectricalBattery

Battery 1 Voltage is the rated voltage of the primary battery.

See also: Battery 1 Power and Battery 2 Voltage

Attribute Type

This attribute is of type "Value".

Unit of Measure

The Battery 1 Voltage value is shown in volts (V). If the source value is listed in a different unit of electric potential, if will be converted to volts.


The current distribution of Battery 1 Voltage values for searchable bikes in our database is shown below:

8.1% of searchable bikes in our database are currently missing the Battery 1 Voltage value.

Search Criteria

Battery 1 Voltage can be used as a search criteria by specifying a range (minimum and maximum value) that you want to consider. The search criteria will include bikes in the search results that meet the criteria while excluding other bikes.