E-bike Attributes

An attribute is a specific piece of information about a bike, such as its price or tire size. Each attribute has a name and we show it like this: Bike Price.

An attribute is termed "missing" if we don't have a value for that attribute for a specific bike.

An attribute is termed "not applicable" if it depends on another attribute to have meaning. For example, the attribute Battery 2 Voltage depends onHas Battery 2 and is not applicable unless there is a second battery.

We currently support seven types of attributes: BooleanCategoryLocationRangeStringValue, and Values.

Search Criteria

A search criteria is used to eliminate bikes from your search based on the value of an attribute. For example if you don't want to consider bikes priced over $3,500, you can add the Bike Price search criteria and specify an upper limit of $3,500. Bikes with a higher price will be removed from your search results.


The value of an attribute can also be shown as a column in the search results table. You can add or remove any attribute as a column in the search results table.

The currently available bike attributes are listed below. Select a specific attribute for more information.
