Rider Inseam


NameTypeUnitsDepends OnCategorySubcategory
Rider InseamRangeinch cm (in (cm))noneMechanicalSizing & Geometry

Rider Inseam is the manufacturer's recommended rider inseam range. Some manufacturers recommend a range of rider inseam measurements that are appropriate for a given bike model and frame size.

Specify your inseam in inches when measured wearing shoes like you would wear when biking.

See also: Rider Height

Attribute Type

This attribute is of type "Range".

Unit of Measure

The Rider Inseam value is shown in inches cm (in (cm)). If the source value is listed in a different unit of linear measure, if will be converted to inches cm.


The current distribution of Rider Inseam values for searchable bikes in our database is shown below:

78.6% of searchable bikes in our database are currently missing the Rider Inseam value.

Search Criteria

Rider Inseam can be used as a search criteria by specifying a value the must fall within the attribute range. The search criteria will include bikes in the search results that meet the criteria while excluding other bikes.