Range Attributes

This website currently implements six different types of attributes: Value, Values, Boolean, Category, Location and Range.

Range Type

Range attributes contain a minimum and maximum number value and are used characteristics that have a possible range. For example, the minimum and maximum rider height recommended for a bike (Rider Height) is a range of heights. When the attribute is used as a criteria, you can specify your height and bikes where you fall outside of the recommended height range are excluded (removed from consideration). If we don't know the recommended rider height range, the value will be displayed as "missing".

See also: Boolean AttributesCategory AttributesValue Attributes, and Values Attributes.

Range Attributes

The current range attributes are:

Unit of Measure

Range attributes do usually have an associated unit of measure.

Search Criteria

When a range attribute is used as a search criteria, you can specify a single value (for example, your height) and and if the value falls within the range for a bike it is retained otherwise it is excluded.

Missing Attributes

We want to have a value in our database for every attribute for every bike model and frame size but in some cases that information is not provided by the manufacturer or other sources. In that case the attribute does not have a value which we refer to as missing. Missing is not an attribute type, but rather a possible value for any attribute.

Search Criteria

Most attributes are missing values for at least some bikes. When you add a search criteria for an attribute that has some missing values, the percentage of missing values is displayed and you are given the choice of including bikes where that value is missing or excluding them. If the percentage of missing values is low then the choice will not have much impact either way. If the percentage is high, however, you may want to select the "missing" option to include bikes that are missing that attribute.