Rider Height


NameTypeUnitsDepends OnCategorySubcategory
Rider HeightRangefoot & inch (cm) (ft+in (cm))noneMechanicalSizing & Geometry

Rider Height is the manufacturer's recommended rider height range. Many manufacturers recommend a range of rider heights that are appropriate for a given bike model and frame size.

Select your height in feet and inches when measured wearing shoes like to would wear when biking.

See also: Rider Inseam

Attribute Type

This attribute is of type "Range".

Unit of Measure

The Rider Height value is shown in feet & inches (cm) (ft+in (cm)). If the source value is listed in a different unit of linear measure, if will be converted to feet & inches (cm).


The current distribution of Rider Height values for searchable bikes in our database is shown below:

17.9% of searchable bikes in our database are currently missing the Rider Height value.

Search Criteria

Rider Height can be used as a search criteria by specifying a value the must fall within the attribute range. The search criteria will include bikes in the search results that meet the criteria while excluding other bikes.