Tire Width


NameTypeUnitsDepends OnCategorySubcategory
Tire WidthValuesinch mm (in (mm))noneMechanicalWheels & Tires

Tire Width is bike's front and rear tire widths. Tire widths quoted in the bike industry may vary slightly from the actual measured width.

See also: Tire Diameter, Front Tire Diameter, Front Tire Width, Rear Tire Diameter and Rear Tire Width

Attribute Type

This attribute is of type "Values".

Unit of Measure

The Tire Width value is shown in inches mm (in (mm)). If the source value is listed in a different unit of linear measure, if will be converted to inches mm.


The current distribution of Tire Width values for searchable bikes in our database is shown below:

6.7% of searchable bikes in our database are currently missing the Tire Width value.

This attribute is considered missing if either the front tire width or the rear tire width is missing.

Search Criteria

Tire Width can be used as a search criteria by . The search criteria will include bikes in the search results that meet the criteria while excluding other bikes.

This attribute contains two values, the front and the rear tire widths which can be different values. If different, both values must be within the specified range for the bike to be included in the search results.

You can use the Front Tire Width and/or Rear Tire Width criteria instead of this search criteria for finer search control.